
I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, "This is what it is to be happy."

- Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

Like contemporaries Michel Keck and Devon E. Sioui, Alesol is a self-taught artist. She was born in Brazil but has lived in Germany for the past 19 years.

The Prince (2012), oil on canvas

The Prince (2012), oil on canvas

One of Alesol’s earliest artistic memories is drawing on a wall inside her grandmother’s home. This act of artistic expression may have brought about chidings in some households; however, Alesol’s grandmother praised the drawing and the drawer. She proudly showed the penned vase and flower sketch to visitors. Her granddaughter was an artist. Having the approval of her grandmother gave Alesol the needed encouragement to continue her artistic exploration.

Upon moving to Germany, Alesol’s art expanded. The experiences of living among diverse populations in two different countries fuelled her desire to communicate. Her means of communication is painting. Alesol’s reason for painting is simple. She wishes to “express good energy and speak from her heart”. Fortunately for the viewer, this goal is achieved.

Rainbow (2013), oil on canvas

Rainbow (2013), oil on canvas

Alesol receives inspiration from traveling and is a keen observer of her surroundings. As an abstract artist, she seeks the essence of natural forces and phenomena. In Rainbow, the interplay of the colour spectrum is strikingly translated upon the canvas. 

Enchanter(2011), oil on canvas

Enchanter(2011), oil on canvas

Alesol speaks of painting in a spiritual way. At times, she feels as if an outside force guides her hands. When viewing one of her works, it is as if a personal inner wall has been breached. The symmetry and vibrancy of colours transcend the canvas and interacts with the viewer. 

Waterfall (2012), oil on canvas

Waterfall (2012), oil on canvas

For Alesol, each breath taken is not solely a function of biology, but a unifying act linking humanity. Nature in its grandeur and diversity inspires her. Her paintings have an ethereal quality. She skillfully taps into the essence of magnificence whether a surging waterfall or the radiance of a rainbow after a thunderous storm. The viewer is gingerly engulfed in a familiar and calming space.